
Latest AEngD news

The AEngD aims to share news, information and opinion about the Association, its members and EngD programmes.

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VEIV exhibition, book launch on 14 June 2013

(3 June 2013) - The EngD Centre in Virtual Environments, Imaging & Visualisation welcomes you for drinks at its exhibition and book launch in the UCL Quad where it will be projecting 10 years of research onto the face of the Portico and Wilkins Building.

Southampton EngD research engineer wins ICE award

(11 April 2013) - Southampton EngD research engineer Frederick Levy has won the British Geotechnical Association's Cooling Prize 2013 for his paper and presentation on "The uplift capacity of transmission tower foundations".

2nd Annual EPSRC Manufacturing the Future Conference

(6 March 2013) - Call for Abstracts for 2nd annual EPSRC Manufacturing The Future Conference to be held 17-18 September 2013 at Cranfield University.

Bristol Systems Engd centre runs public engagement training

(15 February 2013) - A joint group of Bristol University EngD and PhD research students in engineering recently took part in an innovative training session on public engagement organised by the Systems Centre.

Systems EngD helps Sustain win DEFRA contract

(16 January 2013) - Researchers at the University of Bristol’s Industrial Doctorate Centre in Systems help Sustain win a contract with Defra to develop waste management expertise
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New researcher representative on AEngD steering group

(10 December 2018) - Vladimirs Horjkovs has been appointed the new researcher representative on the steering group of the…

STREAM EngD graduate wins international water award

(30 June 2018) - STREAM alumnus Alemayehu Shitaye (Alex) Asfaw has won an International Water Association Project Innovation…

Loughborough EngD saves £2m/year for UK road maintenance

(2 May 2018) - The Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) has highlighted the economic impact of EngD…
Latest from the AEngD blog
9 March 2018
The CDT in Applied Photonics, an AEngD member, is holding a Summer School in Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Photonics at the University of St Andrews in Scotland from 16th to 23rd June 2018. The summer school will feature lectures and workshops …
19 January 2018
A new global competition to encourage students and young people to find solutions to the issues facing the world’s rapidly expanding cities has been launched by RICS (Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors) to mark its 150th anniversary. It offer…