A rich mix of over 100 existing and potential industry sponsors, academics and researchers congregated at Reading's Henley Business School to discuss the work of the TSBE Centre.
The audience were welcomed by centre director Janet Barlow and heard a keynote address from CIBSE President George Adams, discussing the urgent need to make built environments more sustainable, before settling down to hear presentations from around a dozen EngD researchers. Other research engineers exhibited their projects in the event's poster display.
Professor Stuart Green chaired the afternoon's Question Time panel, which featured Amy Salisbury (DECC), Richard Westoby (SSE), Prof Tim Dixon (University of Reading) and George Adams, CIBSE), who fielded questions on whether current policies will deliver a built environment fit for the future.
Sam Mudie picked up the prize for best paper, and Mohamed Ismail for best poster, sponsored generously by the CIOB. Researcher Marek Kubik (right) won TSBE's new Researcher of the Year award, for his work with AES looking at the impact of increasing wind power generation on power plant operation. Dan Williams was Highly Commended for his work with Microsoft looking at the sustainability of ICT technologies.