
Systems researcher wins UKCGE competition

(10 July 2014) - Richard Craig, an EPSRC-funded EngD student in Systems programming, at the University of Bristol's Industrial Doctorate Centre won first prize in the UK Council for Graduate Education's BIG 2014 Image competition.

The three judges, Peter Metelerkamp (University of Bristol & UKCGE Quality & Reputation Working Group Chair), Dr Kieran Fenby-Hulse (Bath Spa University) and Dr Caroline Hargreaves (Imperial College London) all agreed that Richard's image - an abstract entry called "Hidden Threats" - most effectively represented 'postgraduateness'.

As chair of the judging panel, Peter felt that the image demonstrated the 'precision, detail and complexity' of postgraduate education. Peter also believed the image quite marvelously presented ‘possible threats' and communicated 'patterns that are not immediately apparent' in undertaking postgraduate study.

Kieran appreciated the image's 'openness to interpretation' that reflected the pathway of postgraduate education, whereas Caroline noted the suggestions of networks and connections that are so important through PGR development. All three judges added that Richard's image exhibits a richness of data that was quite rare amongst other entries.

As winner of the inaugural UKCGE BIG image competition, Richard will receive a £20 Amazon gift voucher. Richard said:

"I use this image to engage with the public and create an opportunity to explain my postgraduate research. As postgraduate students we are often asked 'what is your research about?' and we pause to consider how best to translate our ideas into a concise statement, pitched at the right level to ensure the person will understand."

(Original news release here)

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