Professor Steve Ison, Director of the Centre for Innovative and Collaborative Construction Engineering says he and his team are keen to meet any prospective research engineers or sponsoring companies at their annual event. He explains: “We have a series of presentations and open Q&A sessions to help people understand more about our centre and what we do – what’s more, we will have current Research Engineers, their supervisors and sponsors on hand to share their experiences first hand. Our Centre’s themes cover most aspects of the built environment, including Innovative Construction Technologies, Construction Business Processes, Advanced Information and Communications Technologies, Sustainable design and construction and Transport and Infrastructure, so there is sure to be an opportunity for a broad range of applicants and companies.”
The CICE dates back to 1999 when it first won EPSRC funding and since then two further five-year grants have been awarded to the School of Civil and Building Engineering at Loughborough University, which is where the CICE is based. With ten Research Engineers recruited every year, competition is fierce, but the rewards are high – recent CICE REs have won prizes from prestigious institutions like the Institution of Structural Engineers and the centre has attracted high-profile companies such as Eon and Tesco to support its projects. So, anyone keen to get involved should attend the Open Day – it’s the best opportunity to find out more and talk to project teams at all stages of the EngD experience.
The CICE Open Day will take place in the morning of Tuesday 29 May, finishing with lunch and informal discussions. CICE’s friendly management and administration team will also be available to answer your questions.
To book your free place or simply find out more about undertaking an Engineering Doctorate at Loughborough, please contact us soon on: CICE@LBORO.AC.UK