
EPSRC chairman to address AEngD launch conference

(2 October 2012) - On Thursday 1 November 2012, the AEngD, the umbrella group for UK university research centres offering the EngD qualification, will hold a launch conference at the Royal Academy of Engineering in London. Dr Paul Golby, chairman of the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC), will give the keynote address.

The event will bring together representatives of all the Industrial Doctorate Centres (IDCs), along with key stakeholders from EPSRC, industry sponsors and other organisations, and will highlight the positive impacts to the UK economy of investing in industry-specific engineering research.

Dr Paul Golby, chairman of the EPSRC and of Engineering UK, and Fellow of the RAEng will be giving the keynote address

Registration for this invitation-only event will open at 3pm, with refreshments and a poster exhibition by UK Industrial Doctorate Centres. The conference starts at 4pm. After the conference, from 6pm, the AEngD will host a drinks reception.


The event will be chaired by Prof Patrick Godfrey (chairman of the AEngD steering group), and speakers will include:
