
AEngD launches Engineering Research Writer of the Year award

(25 July 2013) - The Association of Engineering Doctorates (AEngD) is holding a competition for EngD research engineers and recent alumni to write short articles promoting public interest in their research. The writers of the two best articles will each win £250.

As part of its commitment to promoting the EngD qualification, the AEngD is seeking articles (c. 800 words maximum) that address any area of engineering and would be suitable for publication in a magazine (for example, the RAEng magazine) and/or a broadsheet newspaper. Additionally, any shortlisted articles would, of course, also be published on the AEngD website.

Shortlisted candidates will demonstrate that they have thought about and understood their audience and can convey information about their engineering challenge, and their research response to that challenge, in a readable way. There are two main categories:

  1. Potential impact – articles in this category will relate to EngD projects which may still be at an early stage, and will explain how the project could deliver real benefits
  2. Actual impact – articles in this category will describe tangible benefits actually delivered during and/or as a result of the researcher's project

Judges will be looking for originality, bright ideas and a clear, distinctive writing style. Each 800-word article should show a passion for engineering, summarise the researcher's contribution to knowledge and the potential/actual impact of their research, and should encourage readers to consider, question and debate key issues in engineering and society. In short, it should tell a good story, in an accessible style, and show how the work is interesting.

Entries should initially be submitted to the industrial doctorate centre where the researcher is based. After initial shortlisting by each IDC (a maximum of one per category to be nominated by 30 September 2013), finalists' articles will be judged by a panel of judges appointed by the AEngD steering committee.

Shortlisted entrants will be invited to attend an event in London in November 2013 and to deliver a short presentation based on their article. Each winner will also receive £250 cash prize. Shortlisted candidates will each receive commemorative certificates.

Further information is available for download from the AEngD Writing Prize page.


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