
2nd Annual EPSRC Manufacturing the Future Conference
17-18 September 2013
Cranfield University

Call for ABSTRACT Submission

This conference is the only national manufacturing research conference focusing on the leading edge (TRLs 1-4), taking a broad perspective on manufacturing.

The conference is for, and led by, the community and is sponsored by EPSRC's Manufacturing the Future Theme as part of their objective to develop the UK's reputation for excellence in manufacturing research.

The conference will be open to all from academia and industry. All EPSRC Centres for Innovative Manufacturing will be represented as will other current and earlier EPSRC and TSB sponsored activities in manufacturing including the Innovative Manufacturing Research Centres, Centres for Doctoral Training and EngD Centres, the Technology Strategy Board High Value Manufacturing programme and the High Value Manufacturing Catapult.

Presentations will be academic, industrial, and from EPSRC. The presentations will also include keynotes from senior international academics. Networking will be further enabled by an Exhibition and Poster Sessions. Academic plenary oral presentations will be selected from abstracts by the Conference Steering Committee to allow the showcasing of the best and most relevant work. All those submitting abstracts will be given the opportunity to present a poster. All abstracts will be published in either electronic or printed format. There will be opportunities to organise informal workshop sessions at the conference to exchange best practice and discuss topics of importance to the community, and for those other than EPSRC Centres to exhibit.

FOCUS of the conference:

The conference welcomes abstracts from all areas of manufacturing research in the UK, including:

KEY DATES for the conference:

CONTACT for any queries:

Eleanor Collins
Outreach Coordinator,
EPSRC Centre for Innovative Manufacturing Through-Life Engineering Services, Manufacturing and Materials Department Cranfield University, UK
T: (0)1234 750111 x 4031
F: (0)1234 758292

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