
AEngD Conference 2013

On 26 November 2013, the Association of Engineering Doctorates held its second conference, drawing 70 delegates - half representing academics at industrial doctorate centres, and half research engineers - to discuss recent changes in EngD funding and a study of EngD impacts, and to hear the finalists in the 2013 AEngD Engineering Research Writer of the Year (ERWOTY) competition.

This half-day conference was held at the Building Centre in London. Neil Viner from the EPSRC took questions relating to research funding (AEngD members can view the minutes in the Members' Forum); Dr Fumi Kitagawa presented the initial key findings of a Manchester Business School study funded by the AEngD and EPSRC; and after the six finalists' ERWOTY presentations, the two winners were announced during an evening drinks reception.

Links to the ERWOTY 2013 presentations are available here. Further photos from the event are available in this AEngD Flickr group.

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