
EngD Centres

Transport and the Environment

University of Southampton

With the ever-increasing demand on our transport infrastructure, UK industry needs researchers and future leaders, who can provide solutions to reducing environmental impact and improving the energy and resource efficiency in the transport sector. The Industry Doctoral Training Centre (IDTC) in Transport and the Environment at the University of Southampton combines masters-level technical courses and MBA management courses with PhD-level research. Students are equipped with the business and technical skills they will need to turn pioneering ideas into products and services, boosting their impact on the UK’s economy.

Visit this IDC's website


Invillviake InvillviakeHE

AlvaroChumB AlvaroChumBIE

DavidGor DavidGorCO

Alex Bazin

Sreeja Hannah

AndrewMus AndrewMusQV

CharlesEnurf CharlesEnurfZN

AntioneneK AntioneneKEV

hjvfysxNedia aluniaNediaXB

Knvpllemows KnvpllemowsHE

Rebeccames RebeccamesTR

tydravy tydravyKZ

Thomasher ThomasherQY

Matt Grote

Katie Parnell

Joseph Smyth

RobertEmpit RobertEmpitYN

Kristinatit KristinatitMB

Erickrog ErickrogJL

Holly Foss

Amr Hussain

CurtisSlame CurtisSlameQV

Georgewax GeorgewaxAB

Aaronspara AaronsparaXS

Sandysuict SandysuictPH

Larrysab LarrysabUU

StevenErard StevenErardAT

Reenbeele ReenbeeleXG

GumerovRi GumerovRiVV

TimothyFem TimothyFemHC

Martinjoisp MartinjoispUS

Robertkep RobertkepEF

Annmarie Laplante

Heidicef HeidicefXM

fdljrtzNedia wallNediaXB

RobertFrilk RobertFrilkWG

Businessmandah BusinessmandahPI

Kevinkek KevinkekAW

tojamiNug tojamitow

Larryreavy LarryreavyPH

Kennethsew KennethsewBF

antoninka apollinarkaVY

jpfNedia anikitichnaNediaIZ

Nòbesuthu Tshabangu

Joseph Smyth

Valeriya Griffiths

Catherine Hollyhead

Marcus Joseph Alexander

James Gill

James Hammond

Vytautas Moncys

Sarah Neenan

Frederick Levy

Victoria Banks

Richard McIlroy

Steve Broderick

Daniel Lurcock

David Marshall

Jennifer Black

Ben Waterson

Velazquez Anthony

Christian Wood

Trevor Allen

Andrew Hamilton

Sally Hawthorne

Talia Sherrard

Mathew Procter

James Pritchard

Jon Sowman


Gavin Bailey

Lee Pardoe

Oliver Robinson

Lauren Wallis

Matthew Kewin

Albert Prinn

Stefan Parfitt

Michael Lavelle

Amanda Jane Haylett

Alice Duley

Jack Lawrence

Amrith Surendra

Prathiban Sureshkumar

peter halswell

Christopher Dodd

David Cooper

David Milne

Julie Cheung

New researcher representative on AEngD steering group

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STREAM EngD graduate wins international water award

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