
EngD Centres

Technologies for Sustainable Built Environments

University of Reading

TSBE.jpgThis centre focuses on research for the development and application of sustainable construction, renewable energy applications and energy management technologies, including their economic and social impacts. Attention also extends to the way in which the adoption and use of such technologies can be enhanced through procurement and other policy levers. In particular, research in the centre will be focused on two complementary themes: sustainable building and services systems; and energy management in buildings and infrastructure systems.

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FrankLet FrankLetDW

Terrypax TerrypaxZC

Levi Bourne

JanngoesNedia gfyzifNediaXB

MichaelCip MichaelCipLG

pplastStazy pplastStazyPQ

gfdkbyfNedia AradwynNediaXB

BloodbringerNedia quizzesNediaXB

RoberterulT RoberterulTHT

beybzNedia lizurNediaXB

margoNedia TerryNediaXB

FelhathisNedia rjkzfNediaXB

CasinoPinUp CasinoPinUpIF

CoinsDen CoinsDenKR

MiltonVex MiltonVexEM

JamesLek JamesLekZZ

JamesNency JamesNencyBB

medikaror medikarorHL

Brayanwei BrayanifwPB

HaroldVef HaroldVefWW

kevinwod kevinwodZK

Mickienes MickienesRS

RubencheEn RubencheEnUQ

you_cash you_cashCL

Glennfaf GlennfafNS

topchecker topchecker

IndianHex IndianHexLE

Emmanuel Ratliff

Vikifzs VikipwpXB

Davidoblit DavidoblitRN

WalternoifS WalternoifSNP

Jenny Berger

Samantha Hearnshaw

Alan Jones

James Clinton

Nick nhollely

Gary Middlehurst

Dapo Williams

Stacey Waring

Jeremy Rawlings

Richard Tetlow

Emma Hawkins

Tim McGinley


Dan Williams

Thomas Chung

Tony Hopkin

Katie McCausland

Mike Medas

Mary Pothitou

Brianstimb BrianstimbQR

Juliannarry JuliannarryPH

RobertVar RobertVarMS

Nick Hollely

Mitchell Curtis

Stephen Lowe

Keeling Trevor

Alice Gunn

Laura Daniels

Eric Dede

Marek Kubik

New researcher representative on AEngD steering group

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STREAM EngD graduate wins international water award

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Loughborough EngD saves £2m/year for UK road maintenance

(2 May 2018) - The Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) has highlighted the economic impact of EngD…


Sample TSBE Newsletters:

TSBE newsletter 2012

Latest from the TSBE blog
13 June 2018
University of Reading June 2018 The University of Reading Students Union (RUSU) have awarded Jenny Berger, the manager of the Technologies for Sustainable Built Environment Research Centre (TSBE), the Support Staff Excellence Award at this year’s RU…