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EngD Centres

Sustainability for Engineering & Energy Systems (SEES)

University of Surrey

The Centre aims to enable the next generation of professionals to become effective agents of change in the transition to a more sustainable, lower carbon economy. It provides a stimulating, transdisciplinary research environment, collaborating with a network of leading business, industry and policy organisations to deliver an excellent Engineering Doctorate programme. The Centre supports research addressing three interlinked themes:

  • engineering for sustainability
  • systems approaches, and
  • sustainable energy and low carbon systems.

Visit this IDC's website

Gareth Price (now head of environmental at 02 Telefonica) was one of the SEES centre's earliest graduates from its EngD programme. At the AEngD launch conference, he talked about the benefits the EngD had given him.


Richenda Rodgers

Davidpleve DavidpleveUW

Matthewhex MatthewhexXS

Victor Fernandes

AktasNedia goingNediaXB

GaohyqWam GaohyqWamIR

TuyetAbson TuyetAbsonXU

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kfdheNedia ufkbyfNediaXB

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WayneSib WayneSibWP

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rekbyfNedia veronicaNediaXB

Sasha Greenberg

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JeraldKip JeraldKipMM

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Grigordor GrigorueaPW

nfyf NikolashaUP

fgjkkbyfhbq fhctynbqVY

BeelineLusly BeelineLuslyQE

Sordems SordemsBT

adamych afrosinVY

HowardLow HowardLowBX

Shini Somarathne

Louispaize LouispaizeCC

JoshuaDox JoshuaDoxFP

Rose Chemiat

Jade-Ashlee Cox

Linzi Shearer

Ian Cooper

Jalal Semaan

Raghavendra dakuri venkata

Alex Martin

Paul Canning

Wendy Cunningham

Prof Lawrence Gyansah

Kieren Mayers

Christopher Wigdor

Brian Lewarne

Vejapong Juttijudata

Naason Velasco

Graham Long

Nobesuthu Tshabangu

Md. Hossain

jkyzNedia BeaulahNediaJU

Adethal AdethalPT

CoffefakNedia gjkifNediaJU parimatch.cyouMU

Signo Joseph Kobenan

MavanazNedia palunyaNediaXB

dfcifNedia dtheyzNediaJU

Johnniegow JohnniegowDE

DA Aneke

Amin Khan

Helen Skudder

Michael Rustell

Christos Constantinides

JamesBlilm JamesBlilmVG

Ashim Giyanani


wind turbinesUniversity of Surrey


Buro Happold/SEES case study