
EngD Centres

Nuclear Engineering

University of Manchester, Imperial College London

The consortium is led by The University of Manchester in partnership with Imperial College London and includes the universities of Birmingham, Lancaster, Leeds, Sheffield, Strathclyde and Surrey. Each of the universities has capabilities and a recognised track record in one (or more) of the research themes being offered which are: Reactor Technology, Waste Management, Decommissioning, Materials, Socio-economic aspects and Safety Systems.

The Engineering Doctorate Centre in Nuclear Engineering was formed in September 2006, and is growing year on year.

The primary objective of the Nuclear EngD is to provide outstanding young nuclear Research Engineers with intensive, broadly based training in collaboration with industrial companies so that they are equipped to take up senior roles within the nuclear industry.  In addition to obtaining a high quality qualification, the Research Engineers will gain experience of working in an industrial research and development environment.  The four year programme involves the Research Engineer being based within an industrial company in the UK.

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JerryGax JerryGaxAE

MatthewDuh MatthewDuhVB

AgamarilNedia tdrfNediaIZ

Raymondiness RaymondinessNI

yjy.czNedia BaltierraNediaXB

Mysticdon MysticdonSI

LizaExhah LizaExhahOW

JeffreyMip JeffreyMipFV

Travishax TravishaxAM

TaisyaNedia maximilianNediaXB

Karensap KarensapGQ

hbz hemilyVY

AlexanROG AlexanROGUZ

Garryham GarryhamXP

RobertGaica RobertGaicaSH

Jameslaf 1xслотс казино

Andreaamurl AndreaamurlNO

JamesRug JamesRugPP

Scotttog ScotttogVV

WoodrowCautt WoodrowCauttBD

Kristenabaft KristenabaftYP

Williamjoype WilliamjoypeON

vfnzNedia eczNediaXB

SlifeNedia dfkzfNediaXB

Pavan Minhas

Benjamin Knight-Gregson

Andrew Abu-Muharib

Martin Brierley

Timothy Crump

Thomas Unsworth

David Stanley

Paul Phillips

Caroline Meek

Nicholas O'Meara

Thomas Flint

Tanya Hutton

BanrikoUncem BanrikoUncemZN

StuartEurow StuartEurowQK

ThomasWef ThomasWefAO

RodneyHer RodneyHerXE

Greg Black

Jonathan Mann

Stephen Reddish

Rebecca Jeffers

Ross Beesley

Robert Jones

Ishty Hussain

Nuclear EngD Research Themes:
Reactor Technology
Waste Management
Socio-economic aspects
Safety Systems

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Nuclear Engineering