
EngD Centres

CDT in Quantitative Non-destructive Evaluation

Imperial College London, Bristol, Nottingham, Manchester, Strathclyde, Warwick


RCNDE.jpgThis centre's research programme covers all branches of NDE. All projects must have the potential for significant industrial impact. Priority themes include modelling, reliability, automation, defect characterisation, sensor technology, structural health monitoring, and the challenges of advanced materials and difficult access. Where possible the projects integrate NDE into materials engineering and structural performance. Centre partners are companies in the energy, aerospace, defence, nuclear, transportation and manufacturing industries, as well as suppliers of new NDE technology.

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XyampiZdecFigma XyampiZdecFigmaAU

Michaelhok MichaelhokEF

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Richardzew RichardzewYO

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Jamesseede JamesseedeSG

galaNedia tarNediaXB

PeterSiz PeterSizTA

Matthew Clough

James Pettit

William Blyth

Mark Courtier

Chris Scruby

Nina Hancock

Tom Barber

Misty Haith

Oli Nowers

Jacob Dobson

Kevin McAughey

Maria Felice

Osvaldas Putkis

Adam Gillies

Ailidh McGilp

Charlesveill CharlesveillLN

Rollo Jarvis

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lfhtifNedia yjyfNediaJU

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Paul Dryburgh

Sam Horne

Christopher Lane

Melody Drewry

Robert Hughes

Prashant Gangurde

Ryan Philips

Keith Newton

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