
EngD Centres

Micro- and Nanomaterials and Technologies

University of Surrey

This centre provides an innovative and transformative research environment in materials science and engineering. The focus of the centre is the solution of academically challenging and industrially relevant problems, which have at their core the processing-microstructure-property relationships that are the cornerstones of the discipline. A unique feature will be a focus on characterization - including hands-on experience - through access to state-of-the-art instrumentation.

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MusyaNedia melanyushkaNediaXB

kozmaNedia bleczNediaXB

KenCreedmoormat KenCreedmoormatPP

WilliamAsync WilliamAsyncAH

ScottOvevy ScottOvevyNR

BuddyCig BuddyCigXI

Dianephoft DianephoftFK

Deloreanmek DeloreanmekOW

RonaldAspew RonaldAspewQE

Mattwei77Unpak Mattwei77UnpakZQ

KtyanadoNedia ltrfhbysxNediaXB

BrantMiz BrantMizBI

Jamesbak JamesbakHP

RichardWex RichardWexSN

Stephan Lubben

SaritaNedia evdokushaNediaXB

SamuelcOx SamuelcOxVB

yjdNedia gfynfNediaIZ

AlbertMuh AlbertMuhKQ

DavidJakly DavidJaklyNV

Matthewzor MatthewzorPH

Bradleybom BradleybomFB

Larryhoofe LarryhoofeHP

Patricksed PatricksedLZ

RolandoProlo RolandoProloGY

Dr. Naeem ul Haq Tariq

Vikibws VikiqgiXB

RalphTen RalphTenZR

vfhmirf vfkfifVY

dkflzNedia ktjynbyfNediaIZ

tdljif tdutyzVY

TimothyCes TimothyCesPV

Dustinassub DustinassubNP

Alastair Katsufrakis

vbkbfyNedia vtktnm.irfNediaJU

RavishKrishnan Rajkumar

Tarek Ahmed

Emily Smith

Hayley Brown

Simon Parker

Diana Duarte

Weronika Swiech

Robin Simpson

Nicholas Brown

Alexander Rainer

Sion Richards

Noelle Hartley

Andrew Harris

Jonathan Chard

Martyn Staff

David Hallam

Ravish Rajkumar

Andy Wilson

Alan Wells

Joe Howard

Chris Dighton

Samuel Kite

chris worrall

StenPiome NatalikPiomeUH

Allin Groom

Hollie Heard

farai carter

Harry Cronin

Steven Bell

David Stupple

David Williams

Dimitrios Fantanas

nivedha RAdhakrishnan

Nicola Guest

Weronika Swiech

New researcher representative on AEngD steering group

(10 December 2018) - Vladimirs Horjkovs has been appointed the new researcher representative on the steering group of the…

STREAM EngD graduate wins international water award

(30 June 2018) - STREAM alumnus Alemayehu Shitaye (Alex) Asfaw has won an International Water Association Project Innovation…

Loughborough EngD saves £2m/year for UK road maintenance

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