EngD Centres

Materials and Manufacturing Academy (M2A)

The Materials and Manufacturing Academy (M2A) is a Swansea University initiative which provides industry led postgraduate research training in the areas of Advanced Materials and Manufacturing. The ca. £15m operation, fully funded by the European Social Fund via the Welsh Government, EPSRC and industry, is able to offer 24 EngD places and 8 MSc research places per year along with part-time PhD and masters. Over the course of the operation a total of 158 high calibre graduates will be trained producing leading research for multi-national and SME industries. The graduates will be perfectly positioned to take on middle management roles and become the future leaders of high skilled, high value added industry.

Swansea University has been supporting industry ever since its creation in 1920. The College of Engineering is still perfectly placed to support industry

  • 94% of research produced by our academic staff is of World-Leading or Internationally Excellent quality
  • Our Research Environment at Swansea University is ranked 2nd in the UK
  • The impact of our research is ranked in the UK top 10
  • Over 25 year’s experience of delivering EngD collaborations

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Gregorywex GregorywexQT

kutikovaEl kutikovaElUE

lwwhnrhgf lwwhnrhgf

JuliaGlupt JuliaGluptNP

PhilipsLect PhilipsLectFF

TurnBilO Ягуар Компани

liartialibags liartialibagsDZ

VigerPiomE VigerPiomEGH

MichaelHut MichaelHutTD

fdlekzNedia PavlochkaNediaIZ

BobbyFed BobbyFedZH

Ricardo Speaks

michellepowellovere michellepowellovereDF

Jamesmaiff JamesmaiffUA

Melvinval MelvinvalWK

Alfonsorak AlfonsorakCQ

Darrellvar DarrellvarDS

Georgebuppy GeorgebuppyMU

Dennisraw DennisrawFG

Ralphgus RalphgusSB

zhjgjkrNedia leruhaNediaXB

GeraldRouct GeraldRouctRV

GeorgeOrile GeorgeOrileQO

Anthonydem AnthonydemRS

KeathKitNedia cbkzNediaJU

Georgesautt GeorgesauttLE

Vivienne Jenkins

Claranub ClaranubPK

OlegsameFrersDefonsecix OlegsameFrersDefonsecixQS

Dan Stewart

Williamastox WilliamastoxTN

Aliciabip AliciabipME

Charleswriny CharleswrinyQN

Ruthasp RuthaspBG

Samuel Minshell

hbvvehfNedia rbhbkbxNediaXB

Server Fdsa

Lauriesebra LauriesebraWS

sashutaNedia BukusNediaXB

TorahNedia KrousNediaXB

Zara Sheady


New researcher representative on AEngD steering group

(10 December 2018) - Vladimirs Horjkovs has been appointed the new researcher representative on the steering group of the Association of Engineering Doctorates. Horjkovs is in his final year of EngD at a consortium of universities led by Heriot-Watt University (CDT in Applied Photonics). He is sponsored by AMETEK Taylor Hobson Ltd, an ultra-precision technology company with expertise in the field of surface, roundness and form metrology.

STREAM EngD graduate wins international water award

(30 June 2018) - STREAM alumnus Alemayehu Shitaye (Alex) Asfaw has won an International Water Association Project Innovation Award, based on work in his EngD project on real-time abstraction management at the University of Sheffield.

Loughborough EngD saves £2m/year for UK road maintenance

(2 May 2018) - The Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) has highlighted the economic impact of EngD research undertaken at Loughborough University’s Centre for Innovative and Collaborative Construction Engineering (CICE). Research undertaken by Dr Christian Christodoulou is estimated to have saved over £2m per annum through improvements in ongoing highway maintenance programmes.