
EngD Centres

IDC in Systems

University of Bristol and University of Bath

IDCSystems-150pix-square.jpgThe IDC in Systems is a centre of excellence with research and teaching focused on delivering enhanced performance via a 'Systems Thinking' approach. Systems Thinking is knowing how to make appropriate interventions in complex socio-technical systems and provides a key intellectual underpinning for Systems Engineering. An extensive network of sponsors and collaborators, representing many sectors of industry and government, provides truly multi-disciplinary 'real world' research projects, whilst maximising cross-fertilisation of ideas. The centre is attracting top quality candidates who aspire to be tomorrow's leaders.

We are committed to:

  • Delivering impact in industry – with more than 70 EngD in Systems projects, the Centre focuses on delivering original contributions to knowledge in this area which create impact in four ways:
    • the benefit to the sponsor from the outcome of the research
    • accelerated learning from sharing the knowledge across industry and discipline
    • development of new models, processes and fundamental understanding
    • creation of future industry leaders who should leverage the value for the rest of their careers
  • Developing leaders for tomorrow - The IDC in Systems is transforming the concept of transferable skills training in engineering and science from the provision of remedial training to the delivery of excellence in leadership, communications and innovation
  • Building a multidisciplinary community - Through wide spectrum of industrial sponsors, the disciplinary backgrounds of our Research Engineers, Academic Supervisors and multidisciplinary spectrum of research portfolio, the IDC in Systems avoids reference to a functional discipline whereby unequivocally demonstrates that the interdisciplinary purpose is being delivered.

Note: Following a government funding change in 2014/15, this centre is not currently recruiting for new EngDs.

Visit this IDC's website


Andrewcoubs AndrewcoubsIA

HellasNedia vbkeifNediaXB

RaymondFigma RaymondFigmaAV

ElmerScamp ElmerScampDI

Nezabudkabep Nezabudkabep

KarasevCeany KarasevCeanyMI

Jaimewraws JaimewrawsPA

Randymip RandymipTV

poliyay poliyayGJ

Andrewcef AndrewcefFH

sobbraibiady sobbraibiadyVP

Per Saunders

Christos Ellinas


Israelqnx IsraelptzVS

yfnfifNedia AleksyushaNediaXB

MarigelvNug Marigelvtow

Harrygroca HarrygrocaKY

TrevisSaurl TravisSaurlVR

RonaldTAish RonaldTAishDJ

KoddacKlMC SergeyKlMC

ufkeif ujhfVY

Maxtordus MaxtordusVJ

Kolektorek KolektorekBJ

Danielbaime DanielbaimeRC

wmlturor wmlturorHL

Nikolror NikolrorCS

Nullifr OleneVY

Margaritaea MargaritaeaWF

JamesTof JamesTofGY

fedusNedia rjyjyNediaXB

gjkzNedia dbrnjhsxNediaXB

DallasRek DallasRekLV

RamonJurne RamonJurneGA

JosRit JosRitPG

ColDyets ColDyetsFY

Michael Standish

Yameen Hussain

Thomas Walworth

Duncan Tait

Dawn Gilbert

Thomas Bartley

Patrick Godfrey

Liam Boyd

Anders Johansson

Natasha Watson

John Price

Charlotte Dunford

Dennis Crowley

Emma Langman

Sophie Causon-Wood

Richard Craig

Paul Martin Gibbons

Andrew Hale

Joel Igba

Darren Winter

Jonathan Farman

Brad Doswell

Christopher Weeks

Peter Bonnington

Daniel Pashley

renica mapfunde

William Jones

Simone Simeone

Gary Ford

Edward Goddard

Rachel Freeman

Joseph Clarke

Sarah Tauwhare

Mark Hall

Elwish Raut

Mariapia Angelino

Bengt Cousins-Jenvey

James Upton

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