
EngD Centres

Efficient Fossil Energy Technologies

The Universities of Nottingham, University of Birmingham, and Loughborough University

This Centre will produce research leaders to tackle the major national and international challenges over the next 15 years in implementing new power plant to generate electricity more efficiently using fossil energy with near zero emissions, involving the successful demonstration of CO2 capture, and reducing CO2 emissions generally from coal utilisation, including iron making. These leaders will be part of the new breed of engineers who will be thoroughly versed in cutting edge energy research.

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New researcher representative on AEngD steering group

(10 December 2018) - Vladimirs Horjkovs has been appointed the new researcher representative on the steering group of the…

STREAM EngD graduate wins international water award

(30 June 2018) - STREAM alumnus Alemayehu Shitaye (Alex) Asfaw has won an International Water Association Project Innovation…

Loughborough EngD saves £2m/year for UK road maintenance

(2 May 2018) - The Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) has highlighted the economic impact of EngD…