
EngD Centres


COATED is the Centre of Advanced Training for Engineering Researchers, and is joint funded by EPSRC and WEFO and will provide funding to recruit a 21 EngD students between 2012 and 2014. Its focus is on functional coatings

It sister project is STRIP - the Steel Training Research and Innovation Partnership - a Swansea University, College of Engineering led project that will help the Welsh metals and manufacturing companies succeed by training high calibre people from both an academia and industrial background in metallurgy, corrosion, coatings, manufacturing, mechanical properties and more.

The Sustainable Product Engineering Centre for Innovative Functional Industrial Coatings (SPECIFIC) is a new Innovation and Knowledge Centre led by Swansea University and Tata Steel. It is funded by the Technology Strategy Board (TSB), the Engineering & Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC), and the EU’s Convergence European Social Fund through the Welsh Government.

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