
EngD Centres

Centre for High Value, Low Environmental Impact Manufacturing

University of Warwick

The WMG International Doctorate Centre is a four year programme that combines industry relevant research, taught courses, international visits, entrepreneurial flair and networking.

Driven by research teams that combine industrial and academic experience, we work with entrepreneurial leaders who understand and appreciate that global environments are constantly changing. Our vision is to create a future generation of manufacturing leaders with the high-level know-how and research experience that is essential to compete in a global environment defined by high impact and low carbon. Our research themes include:

  • materials
  • manufacturing technologies
  • digital technologies
  • operations and business management
  • service and marketing
  • healthcare

International Manufacturing Centre
University of Warwick
Gibbet Hill Road
Coventry CV4 7AL
Telephone: +44 (0)24 765 24357
Twitter @wmg_doctorate

Visit this IDC's website

Video interviews filmed at AEngD launch conference, 1 November 2012.


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TwaytwayNedia vfhbfvyjxrfNediaIZ

Lightfire ljyzfVY

Varkeari vbfqkjVY

LenyaNedia njyczNediaXB

ArthurRat ArthurRatWS

Bobbielig BobbieligSB

CarlosSig CarlosSigHA

DortheaBem DortheaBemMT

andronyaNedia RossikNediaXB

Keithduddy KatyaduddyBL

Gavin Schmiedeskamp

Charlieanold CharlieanoldMT

Thomasslows ThomasslowsZG

Anthonyjag AnthonyjagOG

Julienup JulienupUB

DennissmogS DennissmogSUR

AlexeyROG AlexeyROGKP

JeffreyWeina JeffreyWeinaDS

Peterreare PeterreareUQ

Stevenrap StevenrapPI

Alberttwiva AlberttwivaET

Marieemofs MarieemofsVU

jackllsr jackllsrHR

Rockey Whitmire

MawikWap MawikWapVI

MyCharlesDrava MyCharlesDravaPT

TyreDek TyreDekWX

moshNedia malyaNediaXB

IlyushaNedia petruhaNediaXB

Christopher Micallef

Claire White

Neil Small

Stephen Exton

Ivan Chan

Yogendra Joshi

rootletNedia kozminichnaNediaXB

RobertInfed RobertInfedYX

djkzNedia lexeusNediaXB

tanyaNedia maximianichNediaXB

Lloydnor LloydnorHZ

Robertneowl RobertneowlMG

CauspoofNug Causpooftow

SolingerNedia TimoshaNediaXB

Terrynut TerrynutKA

Invillemows InvillemowsHE

ThelmaVop ThelmaVopMD

DerekLigue DerekLigueOO

Hannah Reese

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