
EngD Centres

Centre for Digital Entertainment (CDE)

University of Bath and Bournemouth University

EngD-CDEOur researcher engineers work closely with and in some of the most exciting high-tech companies in the world, not for a token short-term placement but fully-embedded, usually for three years. Our company partners not only include animation, VFX and games companies (for example MPC, Ninja Theory, Double Negative and Sony), but also include companies who use these skills in other business areas (NHS, Perkin Elmer Ltd, National Trust). CDE offers outstanding and unique opportunities to students and companies alike. Based at Bath and Bournemouth Universities, the CDE is an EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training funding doctoral researchers.

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ChrisLef ChrisLefME

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ujieyzNedia emaNediaIZ

geniaNedia vbiehfNediaXB

RobertPar RobertParLT

EduardoDom EduardoDomGP

Renediar RobertVY

Williamnef WilliamnefDA

reformnews reformnews

Roberther RobertherNQ

WernerRab WernerRabRV

DavExora DavExoraHW

CalvinAlugh CalvinAlughBO

Ronnienib RonnienibDO

Donaldplorp DonaldplorpIS

Rohit Tripathi

Anndus AnndusUY

daniela de angeli

Alastair Barber

Phil Willis

Anamaria Ciucanu

Dimor DimorUA

WilliamTouff WilliamTouffIT

Andewcef AndewcefFH

Mara Vastagh

Kennethhaw KennethhawDU

ThDeect ThDeectFO

GazizaNug GazizaNugOR

Sarah Parry

Aart van Dijk

New researcher representative on AEngD steering group

(10 December 2018) - Vladimirs Horjkovs has been appointed the new researcher representative on the steering group of the…

STREAM EngD graduate wins international water award

(30 June 2018) - STREAM alumnus Alemayehu Shitaye (Alex) Asfaw has won an International Water Association Project Innovation…

Loughborough EngD saves £2m/year for UK road maintenance

(2 May 2018) - The Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) has highlighted the economic impact of EngD…
CDE group photoCDE researchers at workOculus Rift VR workAlastair Barber case study

Alastair Barber case study