
EngD Centres

Bioprocess Engineering Leadership

University College London

This EPSRC-funded Industrial Doctoral Centre in the Department of Biochemical Engineering provides opportunities for collaborative research with companies via tailored one-to-one Engineering Doctorate (EngD) programmes. Examples of some recent EngD programmes include:

  • Anna has worked on a collaboration between the Institute of Ophthalmology and Moorfields Eye Hospital examining the processing of limbal cells for eye treatments.  She has become fully conversant with the exacting GMP requirements of the field and hopes to continue the relationship with her sponsor through a post-doctoral position.
  • John examined issues of scale up for practical bed chromatographic processes and established a new framework for the prediction of performance at large scale.  Sponsored by BioPharm Services John took up a project engineering position with Jacobs Engineering and is now working extensively in Switzerland on a large biotech project.
  • Naveraj was sponsored by the Hazards Evaluation Laboratories (HEL) where she investigated the ability of small-scale systems to mimic the full-scale performance of bioreactors.  She has remained in the academic field as a researcher on a large Technology Strategy Board (TSB) grant which is considering the use of miniaturised systems for the rapid development of bioprocesses.
  • Richard has been sponsored by GE Healthcare and has spent his industrial secondments examining radical new downstream process options in the company facilities in Sweden.  He is currently working with experts in our Department of Statistics analysing the results of a major international survey which he has conducted.  The results of this will provide valuable business outputs to his sponsors as well as creating new opportunities for the wider sector.

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DustinVuh DustinVuhFU

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CharlesReila CharlesReilaXM

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Adam Stonier

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