Engineering Research Writer of the Year 2013

The inaugural Engineering Research Writer of the Year (ERWOTY) competition was held in 2013. Six finalists presented at the AEngD annual conference in London, and two winners each won £250, plus a specially commissioned glass plaque.

RWOTY2013winner.pngThe first Engineering Research Writer of the Year competition was announced in July 2013, and from the resulting submissions (filtered first by research centres, and then by an AEngD judging panel) a shortlist of six articles was selected to contest the awards in two categories:

Judges looked for originality, bright ideas and a clear, distinctive writing style. Each 800-word article showed a passion for engineering, summarised the researcher's contribution to knowledge and the potential/actual impact of their research, and encouraged readers to consider, question and debate key issues in engineering and society. Finalists were invited to deliver a short presentation (no longer than eight minutes) at the AEngD conference on 26 November; the shortlist (announced 21 October) was:

EngD alumni / actual impact

EngD research engineers / potential impact

The winners, each receiving £250, were announced during the post-conference drinks reception after the presentations.

The finalists' presentations are also on the AEngD SlideShare page (Laura Daniels used Prezi), and the AEngD Youtube channel.

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Javid Khan received ERWOTY award from Prof Patrick GodfreyERWOTY 2013 logoLaura Daniels receives ERWOTY award from Prof Patrick Godfrey